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Tabitha Ngara
Dear dad, you know how it is down here...... life ain't the same without you. we miss your laughter and all time stories. rip.
Milly Ngara
He never made a fortune, or a noise In the world where men are seeking after fame; But he had a healthy brood of girls and boys Who loved the very ground on which he trod.
Peter Ngara
My father never told me how to live. he lived and let me watch how he lived. you were a man of good deeds. rip
Millicent Akinyi
Father! He never made a fortune, or a noise In the world where men are seeking after fame; But he had a healthy brood of girls and boys Who loved the very ground on which he trod.
Judy Ngara
Dear daddy! wherever you are... i just want to remind you that you will always be the best daddy in the whole wide world.
Dolphine Ngara
It Is Well With My Soul....... Fare Thee Well Jarachar......!
Carolyne Ngara
The soul is immortal........ it transcends the earthly to rise heavenwards!....... .. fare thee well wuod min!
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